Plastic Forests Recycled Plastic Posts

Tim ThompsonUncategorized3 Comments

Easy, Safe Recycled plastic Stock Posts

Building a Pro Horse Fence with Plastic Forests recycled plastic Equine PLUS Post. Horses can injure themselves easily, so why use fencing materials that put them in danger? Regardless of species, from horses to cattle and sheep, Plastic Forests have a post to suit. Made from recycled bale wrap with a BHP steel core, these posts can take knocks and bounce right back. Due to their plastic construction, for the contractor they drive easily and have the added advantage of minimal noise. The lack of need for extra fittings and fixings reduces the cost of your fence in the long term and promises years of maintenance free service.

3 Comments on “Plastic Forests Recycled Plastic Posts”

  1. Bradley Muckert

    ID like to try this for my front fence and one side of my cattle fence ID like to details and where to buy them thank you kindly

  2. Bradley Muckert

    My apologies Tim as it’s the first time on here now I found out all the details on need by watching the video it’s ect thanks again

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