Barb Wire Trolley

Tim ThompsonArticles1 Comment

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I made a big deal about being involved in the development of the latest wire spinner from Fencestay in this week’s video. It worked like this; I got to use a prototype wire trolley for a couple of months, complain about it like a whinger and then Steve (Fencestay) did all the work to fix the issues. Lovely. Aside from … Read More

Fenceline Strainers – A Game Changer?

Tim ThompsonArticles13 Comments

Fenceline Solutions Wire Strainers

There is an old saying that “There is nothing new under the sun” and while I don’t completely prescribe to this, certainly most tools we use are a natural development of an existing tool. Every now and then though, one comes along with enough new ideas and innovation to completely revolutionise a tool. The Fenceline strainer is a game changer. … Read More

Is There an “Ultimate” Farm Fence?

Tim ThompsonArticles1 Comment

Stiff Stay Horse Mesh

Well, in short, no. But there are a lot of ways to make a mistake when you first construct your fence that cost time, money and even worse stock losses and injury. This week’s video, supported by Whites Rural, looks at some options out there for your farm fence planning. The only thing worse than paying too much for your … Read More