Wireman Strainwalker Pro Fence Strainers
Tim Thompson | 4 September 2021 | Back to All Reviewed Products

Provider: Wireman
Available through: Online Store
Product Link: Click to open provider's product page
Wireman Strainwalker Pro Fence Strainers make straining a range of modern fence wire safe and easy. The unique sprung jaw design is not only easy to position, due to the cam design it is less likely to pinch or damage high tensile wire than some other strainers on the market. Wireman are no strangers to this reviewer, having a range of high quality and innovative products that I have used over time.
The patented design also incorporates a number of swivels, meaning that the strainers rarely get in the way of the job, and if they do, can easily be rearranged without releasing tension or starting again. The long chain and optional hooks allow these strainers to be used for straining long runs of sheep mesh in a very short amount of time.
The whole package is set off by the spring scales, meaning that you will never over tension or under tension wire again.