Steel Tree Guard
Tim Thompson | 4 September 2021 | Back to All Reviewed Products

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Available in round or new flatpack design, the steel tree guard allows property owners to exclude sensitive or establishing vegetation from grazing pressure. This can be done in just a few minutes. At six feet in height, the guard will protect most establishing trees from most stock. Teamed up with some galvanised Stockposts, the guards are easy and quick to install and can put up with some serious punishment.
I found the design not only easy to transport on a ute, but the steel tree guard is light and easy to install. You can check this out in my review. The guards are made from the same mesh as gate mats. Made in regional Australia, this locally manufactured product allows paddock revegetation with a minimum of fuss.
Funding is now available from many landcare organisations for paddock tree establishment. Combined with the benefits of protecting native plants in pasture, there has never been a better time to think about ways to improve your biodiversity on farm.