Chester Brown Post Pulla
Tim Thompson | 24 February 2022 | Back to All Reviewed Products

Provider: Chester Brown
Telephone: +61 08 61563601
Available through: Instore and online
Product Link: Click to open provider's product page
The Chester Brown Post Pulla allows you to use the mast of a front end loader or similar height hydraulic mast to remove steel posts easily from the ground without breaking them. Not only this, but the Post Pulla has the ability to pull the post with the entire fence still attached. This makes it super easy to remove old fence wire from the ground when the entire fence is to be replaced. Tested to 5 tonne load the post pulla places 35 tonne of pressure on the jaws. This means that it can be used to remove the most stubborn of old buried fences and there is no risk of the jaws slipping on the steel posts.