Concerete Erosion Control Mat
Tim Thompson | 4 September 2021 | Back to All Reviewed Products

Provider: Concrete mats Australia
Available through: Australian Concrete Mats
Product Link: Click to open provider's product page
The Concrete Erosion Control Mat by Australian Concrete Mats brings innovation to controlling areas of compaction and erosion on farms and roadways. Easily installed, the mat allows grass and vegetation to re-establish. It provides a much needed structure to erosion prone areas on the farm. The unique design also spreads water out and slows it down, the ideal combination for reducing erosion.
Australian Concrete Mats have established themselves as a routine addition to sensitive roadworks, bridge underpasses and a number of commercial construction applications. The Concrete Erosion Control Mat is proven technology and lend themselves well to farmers seeking to stabilise gateways, dam walls, sides of creeks and anywhere else that is under pressure.
By reducing damage and pressure on the soil, native or introduced vegetation can re-establish, allowing a long term solution to be achieved. Not only does this benefit the environment, the payoffs to landholders in preservation of farm land and environmental health benefit the production system.
Check out my Blog on the importance of protecting waterways and why it should be done.