
Contact me to discuss promoting your products and supporting farmers with great innovations.


Tim Thompson

Agriculture Teacher and Communicator

G'day, I'm Tim Thompson - an agriculturalist and educator from Australia.

My passion is learning from great farmers who are true innovators and entrepreneurs in agriculture and farming - who look after their land while running great businesses.

I also love reviewing and testing new equipment. I get excited about finding new ways to improve our skills on the land. I have some great industry support that helps me keep learning.

  • 6 years in Sales
  • 12 years in Agriculture
  • 15 years in Education

Online Course

Basic Fencing




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In the Media


'Posterboy for fencing' becomes global internet sensation


Rural Connection: Sowing the seed for Farmers on YouTube


"Tim Thompson has been a real asset to our business. His down to earth style and even handed approach to product demonstration has delivered sales, brand recognition, and helped reinforce the direction of product development."

Ian Lowrey
Wireman Fencing - wiremanhq.com

Fencestay has been working with Tim Thompson Media to promote products since May 2020.

We consistently see a positive bump in our analytics and sales revenue each time Tim publishes a Fencestay sponsored video.In our experience, the farm learning channel is more cost effective and targeted than the other media we use (Facebook, printed publications, TV, field days). All of which are considerably more expensive with hit and miss results.

We gather data from each sale, and more than 75% of clients reference Tim Thomson media as their referral source. I could not be happier with the results Tim achieves, coupled with his friendly yet professional nature.

For any business trading in the Ag space, I highly recommend considering Tim Thompson Media as a major part of their marketing solution.

Steve Casamento
Director, Trigger Engineering - triggereng.com

"Tim Thompson, the real deal.  He’s honest, he’s fair.  He’s ag experienced. He knows the land. He knows how to fix things, install things, the history of things, respectfully considers things. He’s entertaining too!
Spiralfast have a 20+ year old product which he saw, reviewed and we’re thankful. This even-handed attitude resonates with his audience I suspect.
He’s a spokesperson for us all. If you support Agriculture - get involved with Tim."

Michael Tame
Head Spiral - spiralfast.com

"What an amazing time we had at Sheepvention 2024. Farm Learning With Tim Thompson attended our stand and conducted a wire knot competition with his test bench. He was run off his feet as people took the opportunity to talk with him, share ideas and learn about all things fencing. We didn't expect much in the way of sales this year with South West Victoria in severe drought, But with Tim on our site we far exceeded sales expectations. More importantly, we shared hard times, had fun, enjoyed laughter and learning. We've booked him for next year's event."

Nicole Davidson
Davos Fencing Clips
"Tim Thompson's expertise and passion for agriculture shine through in his thoughtful analysis and engaging communication. With a friendly demeanor and abundant enthusiasm, he is a trusted influencer in the field. Tim's honest, fair, and knowledgeable approach resonates with audiences, making him a valuable spokesperson for the agricultural community. His down-to-earth style and even-handed product demonstrations have not only boosted sales and brand recognition but also contributed to the direction of product development. Tim Thompson is the real deal.”
Simon Taylor
Managing Director Thor Rock Breakers & Post Drivers